Friday, 11 October 2019

Youth festival

Youth festival

      Here is my blog on youth festival 2019. The most exciting functionin in college time. The Youth Festival this is the time when  youngster explore the world said their food into a real realistic life lesson and all type of lesson.

      Our university Maharaja krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University has  organized the youth festival on 25/09/2019 to 28/09/2019. This year the theme of Youth festival was “Rang Mohan” attributed to the 150th Birth Anniversary of mahatma Gandhi.

     The first event of this youth festival is Kala Yatra. It was from Shamaldas Arts college to Sheth H J Law college. The theme is of this Kala Yatra is ‘Art Conversation’ and the common theme on Gandhi.  All have different perspective. All colleges has their own perspective related theme. For example: SSCCM had the theme on ‘My life is my message’, ‘The KPES presented ‘The journey of Mohan to Mahatma’. હું ક્યાં છું?

      On the second day of youth festival there was inauguration function at the amphitheatre. Then Dlipsinh sir welcomed to participated students  and all the guests. Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasma gave a speech. Mayabhai Ahir, Kirtidan Gadhi, Abhaysinh Rathod and Dhirubhai Sarvaiya all are famous artists change the atmosphere through their artistic skill.

  After the inauguration foundation started the competition.There are so many events like
Quiz, poetry, bhajan, group song, instillation, painting, clay modelling, poster making, folk song, mimicry, drama, dance, mono acting

Bhajan and folk song

     Bhajan is based on some religious aspects. And also Gandhi's favourite bhajan sung by Nasim ' vaishnvjan to tene re kqhiae'. Or folk song event and bhajan is related to rural life. Like ' patan Sher ni nar padamni..

Westerngroup song :-

 Skit and drama :

   Display performed by the department of English one reflection of our  Society's mentality and religion live reflect through this plane and display with a good message for a society. This is skit based on third gender of person have we say that kinner  and  LGBT display performed the PT and fear and sensibility called to catharsis also talked on the gay or lesbian relationship.

Clay modelling :-

   We see that how rural life effect on artist mind. Mostly clay modelling based on traditional village house or shepherd so village life is very near to the nature . Wordsworth's mostly writing on rural life.

Poster making :-

          Students used different materials and tools for making poster like newspaper cutting. Many students make poster on religion and rules like satipratha. Some portrait a Gandhiji and give good massage also. Nature and village culture also shown in that poster.

Rangoli :-


KPES college was the winner of general championship award and SSCCM was the winner of Runners up Trophy.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019


Name :- Urvashi Chauhan
Roll no :- 31
M.A sem :- 3
Enrollment no : 2069108420190008
Email Id :-
Paper :- 12 ELT
Topic :-  Brief notes on various Approaches
Submitted to : department of English MKBU

Introduction :
       English Language Teaching (ELT) is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners.

       Todays English is the worlds most widely studied foreign language. Five hundred years ago Latin was the most dominant language to be studied .because it was the language of business, commerce and education in the western world. In the 16th century  yet French, Italian and English again  in importance as a result of political change in Europe and Latin gradually became displaced as a language of spoken and written communication.

  Latin became a dead language. It was The started to read in the books as classic language. Children started to going in the ‘grammar school’ in 16th and 18th centuries to learn grammar rules of Latin. To learn Latin language became a “mental gymnastic”. In the 18th century . when modern languages began to enter in the curriculum of the European countries, these languages were taught by the same methods as Latin language was taught. Grammatical rules were memorize. And  Writing practices was  done. The passage are  translated  from the second language to the first language  vice versa .
   In the 19th century  that  method is consider as a standard method of teaching language. The textbooks are  divided into chapters. Each chapter contained a certain grammatical rule and rule was practices with a lot of writing exercise.

        Communicative approach:
     Communicative approach is an approach is  language teaching that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of study.
     Language learners in environment utilizing CLT technique. learn and practice the target language through the interaction with one another and the instructor the study of "authentic texts".  those written in the target language for purposes other than language learning. and through the use of the language both in class and outside of class.
      Learners conversance about personal experience with partner and instructors teach topics outside of the realm of traditional grammar. in order to promote language skills in all types of situation. This method also claims to encourage learners to comprehend their personal experiences into his  language learning environment. And the focus on the learning experience in addition to the learning of the target language.
   According to CLT  the goals of language education is the ability to communicate in the target language. This is in various to previous views in which grammatical competence was commonly given top priority. CLT also focus on the teacher being a facilitator  rather than an instructor. Yet the approach is a non-methodical system that does not use a textbook series to teach the target language. But rather works on developing sound oral and verbal skills prior to reading and writing.

Total Physical Response:

    TPR :  Total Physical Response is the teacher gives the students instructions and the students follow the instructions. Through the  using whole body responses. James J. Asher a professor of psychology at San Jose State University developed the method Total Physical Response in late 1960s to help in learning second languages.
    According to Asher total physical response is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program. for acquiring any natural language on earth including the sign language of the deaf. We can see this process if we observe the language learning process of child. The communication between parents and their baby  consists of both verbal and physical aspects. When the child is not able to speak at that  time he or she is internalizing the language. This is the time when code breaking occurs. After this process the child becomes able to speak and reproduce language. In This approach  the teacher repeats the process in the class. Students respond to the commands of the teacher which require physical movement. This is most useful for beginners students. Total physical response   is also used for teaching students with dyslexia or related learning disabilities.

Natural Approach:

    The Natural Approach takes as it is a  cues from how first language is naturally learned by children. That process is then simulated for teaching adults a second language.
    Just like is a “silent period” when babies don’t utter a single comprehensible word. the Natural Approach gives time for learners to simply listen and absorb the language. Producing correctly pronounced words and phrases comes later in the learning turn.  The emergence of speech is not a first priority but..Listening  comprehension is the priority.

    So  in this approach  process students don’t need to speak more . They have to observe or read the situation. And then   guess the meanings of words and  make mistakes and self-correct like children. In  addition, the Natural Approach sees a difference between “learning” and “acquisition.”

      Learning a language requires textbook or  grammar lessons and rote memory. Acquiring a language only require an immersive process of repetition correction and remember. In the  other methods have teachers lead students in a choral pronunciation of words written on a board. The Natural Approach has the teacher bouncing a ball and repeatedly saying ball. “She’s also showing them pictures of different kinds of  Balls. They have class play a game with the object. Or she hides the object and says find the ball.
The Natural Approach believes that the more the students lose themselves in the activity the better their handle on the language will be.

The Silent Way :
    Imagine  your teacher who talks as little as possible.
You better believe it is  more than a fantasy. Proponents of this “alternative” approach believe that teaching too much can sometimes get in the way of learning. In that  way of teaching students learn unique  when they discover rather than simply repeat what the teacher said.
      The Silent Way use silence as a teaching tool. Your students might feel you’re giving them the silent treatment if you don’t keep things friendly and explain the process to them. So you can encouraging them to do the talk  themselves.
   As a teacher  You’re encouraging learners to be independent. To discover and figure out the language for themselves. Learning the target language is therefore seen as a creative, problem-solving process—a engaging cognitive challenge.

how does one teach in silence?

 So the answer is you talk as little as possible. you need to employ more of gestures and facial expressions to communicate with your students. You can also use props.
  A commonly used prop option is Cuisenaire Rods—rods of different colour and lengths. In an English class for example  you can pick up any rod and say, “rod.” Pick another one, point at it and say “rod.” Keep on repeating until students understand that “rod” refers to the objects in front of them.
    Then pick a green one and say, “green rod.”With an economy of words, point to something else green and say “green.” Keep on repeating until students get that “green” refers to the colour. So we also used this technique in our classroom activities. It a very interesting unique way of teaching . Students like the learning in a different different way. So this all are Approaches we are used in our class with our students.


The post colonial literature

Name : Urvashi N. Chauhan
Roll no : 31
Enrollment no : 2069108420190008
M.A sem  : 3
Paper : post colonial literature
Email Id :
Topic : themes of Black skin White masks
Submitted to : Department of English MKBU

Introduction :-

            ‘Black Skin White Masks '  is a 1952 book by Frantz Fanon. He was  a psychiatrist and post colonial thinker. The book is written in the style of auto-theory. in which Fanon shares his own experiences in addition to presenting a historical critique of the effects of racism and dehumanization, inherent in situations of colonial domination on the human psyche. This book originally  written in French In 1952 later on translated in English 1967.
 7Book Originally written in French in
 1952 later on
67Black  skin white mask divided into Eight  parts :

1 . The black man and the Language
2 . The Woman of Colour and the White Man
3 .The Man of Colour and the White Woman
4 .  The So called Dependency Complex of the Colonized
5 .The lived experience of the black man
6 .The black man and Psychopathology
7.  The black man and Recognition
8. way of Conclusion

Colonialism and diaspora

       In the broad sense ' Black Skin White Masks’ is a book about the powerful effect of colonialism on life in the 20th century.  Frantz  Fanon examine colonialism impact on black as well as white people in both colonized.  regions such as the Caribbean and in the countries of the colonizer such as France. While the twenty  century saw the official end of most of the Western empires that controlled vast stretches of the world. Frantz  Fanon shows that the  heredities of  colonialism continues to determine the way that people experience reality in the present.  Accurately he focuses on the experience of diaspora and the feelings of alienation that colonialism engenders within colonized peoples including both those who stay in their homeland and  those who like Fanon live in the country of the colonizers.

      Writer expresses his own struggle and experience  to feel a sense of home and belonging pointing out the ways in which colonialism is to blame for his sense of alienation. As a child educated in the French Caribbean colony of Martinique, he was taught to identify with French culture and to reject the parts of him that make him “other” inn essence, to disidentify with his blackness and his history as a member of the African diaspora. He write on Colonialism can be seen into the mind of people.
         They are lost their culture and identity. Throughout the book writer emphasize that black people are forced to exist into comparison to whiteness. White community forced to follow their culture and religion on black people. That was explained in Robinson Crusoe novel by Daniel Dafoe. We see in the novel how he forced to Friday to follow him. Into the novel Robinson ruled on Friday. Friday fell inferior than his master because of color and Robinson’s knowledge power. Friday lost his freedom or identity. So that all are effect of colonialism.

     He also explores the ways in which colonialism prevents people from the African diaspora from feeling a sense of community and belonging with one another. He admits The truth is that the black race is dispersed and is no longer unified. In  this reason black people outside of Africa are alienated from one another and from a sense of their own history, ancestry, and identity. Also  colonial racism discourages black people from colonized nations to identify with African. In that way writer shows that colonialism leaves its subjects bereft of a sense of belonging. either in their own culture or in that of the colonizing country. And therefore the most enduring  heritage of colonialism is perhaps psychological in its dimension resulting in the complete alienation of the colonized people.

Desire to the White

“The black man wants to be white. The white man slaves to reach a human level.”

   The desire is the major theme in black skin white masks.  is a desire on the part of Black people to be white. Fanon discusses this in relation to interracial relationships in chapter two and three . where having a white lover seems to provide access to a formerly prohibited white world. For Fanon the desire to be white derives from the power differential within a society.  Power play vital role in racism . white people have more opportunities than black people. And economic advantage  and they desire to become white. Black  people can not really  become white. They are  always be Black. according to writer  and so the desire to be white causes a psychological problem of losing a sense of one’s self. They suggested thought they whole life. In the hairy app we see how  Douglas  daughter call yank “ filthy beast”. How she compare yank with monkey . And yank go to zoo he suffered in his life. Same point shows Shakespeare in  “ Othello” Iago create misunderstanding between Desdemona and Othello. Othello have no confidence not believe on white people. And other example is Bluest eye Toni Morrison.

Racists Create Inferiority

       The other argument to which Fanon returns more than once is that Black people don’t naturally feel inferior. Instead  their sense of inferiority is produced by racist society. Because of the recognition involved in identity. white people create their own sense of superiority. And saying all Black people  are inferior. You can’t have superiority without inferiority and Black people come to have this position. As a result, getting rid of an inferiority complex in Black people isn’t just a matter of correcting a neurosis in an individual. It requires the transformation of an entire society in which this hierarchy of inferiority and superiority is perpetuated.

    Black people want to become white. They feel inferior than white people. White are considered as a intelligent and superior. Black man was not recognise as equal to white even back people are also not think that they also agree for that statement. They are suffering from skin tone .
Fanon says ' Broken the prison of past' see as a human being not as a black. They are suffering from mentally and physically. People think that black people consider as a unintelligent and ugliness or vice person. There no connection between whiteness or beauty but people think that.

Self image and self hatred

    in other themes Fanon argues that colonialism has corrupted people’s understanding of themselves. Black people have image of themselves that is distorted a negative image constructed by white colonizers. Black people experience the weight of being “hated, detested, and despised” by white society. This leads to feelings of shame and self-hatred. White peoples hated  the black people black people feel the same inherited from others. So mostly black people try to become more white  colonizer destroyed the self image of black people the head on skin colour so give self respect.

   so this all are the themes of black skin white mask black skin white mask based on the psychology condition of black and their condition of their life how they struggle in that case is offered from society psychology and physical how racism as a issue in society nowadays black people also in power position people think about Black are on civilized and wise person black people self attested and loss their self importance and suffering from inferior complexity.


The American literature

Name : - Urvashi Chauhan
Roll no. :- 31
M.A sem :- 3
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190008
Email Id :-
Paper :- 10 American literature
Topic :- characteristics of Robert Frost poetry
Submitted :- Department of English MKBU

“ poetry is when an Emotion has found it's thought ,
And the thought has found words”
-           Robert Frost
      Robert Frost was an American poet . first his work was published in England. And then published in America. He known for his realistic depictions of rural life. And his command of American colloquial speech. He routinely wrote about the setting from rural life in New England in early 20th century. He was using complex social and philosophical themes. He was  only one poet to receive four Pulitzer prizes for poetry. Robert Frost poetry helped  to provide a link between the American poetry of 19th century and that of 20th century.

His poetry collection :-

Stopping by  woods
Fire and ice
The Gift Outright
Mending Wall
Home  Burial

    Robert Frost poem deal with man relation with in Universe. This one of the most work quality is elusiveness. This skill make Robert Frost one of the most interesting or continually  intriguing American poet.  He is a magician whose devices are so artful that readers usually can’t  see how he transforms one theme into another.

His poem deals with so many levels and things . Reader find his or her own beliefs about life reflection in frost poetry. He understands the complexity of life. Some say his poem not optimistic but more prevalent than faith. He write on familiar points and experience on human life. Reader reflect  his and her life in his poetry so it is a very popular success. But  frost some thoughts are raises questions about his poetic achievement.  His father was died in a very young age. During his marriage life he was lost his two children. So experience of cathartic quality’s are reflected in his poems.

           Stopping by woods on snowing evening is only one of many examples of a poem that has been read with many contradictory interpretations. Readers have variously explained its meaning, ranging from the serenity of a snowy night to the virtues of duty to the lure of death to self-mockery. critic who reads Frost moralistically  believing that “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is a lesson about keeping promises, has fallen into Frost’s trap.

     Loneliness is one of Robert's most profound themes throughout in his poetry. His most  famous poem is the best example for theme of loneliness “ stopping by woods on a snowy evening”. In this poem speaker says..

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

We don’t know where he is going but it does not seems as if going home to someone. He is not necessarily lonely but he is currently alone. Many of his  poems have this feel to them. Some are set in home and farmsteads that are far from other people. Examples is “ Mending Wall”. in this poem  two men meet once a year to mend the wall between their farm. And "Out, Out" in which  young boy is killed in an accident involving a saw. A doctor get  to him but not in time is establishing a great distance between the people in the poem. Another example is  “ Home Burial”. In this poem  family has buried their young child.  in their backyard far from town. The sense of distance that Frost creates in his poetry allow for the sense loneliness of which you speak.

Rural life vs urban life

Rural life verses urban life is also like the Wordsworth’s poetry theme.  This theme of poem related to his interest in Nature in every day life. His experience growing up in New England. He expose him as a particular way of life. That seems are less complicated and more meaningful life than city dwellers.
         The farmers describes in his poem as unique perspective in the world. As a certain sense of honor & duty in term of   their work and community. He is not averse to investigate Urban life in frost’s poem. In the poem “ acquainted with the Night” the narrator describes a someone who lives in big city or town. Robert Frost has more chance to find metaphorical meaning in every day life. He explore the  relation  between mankind and nature through the glimpse of rural life. Farming community that  he expresses in his poetry. Urban life is real but it lack the clarity and quality of life. That is so charming in frost’s work.

Robert Frost’s Nature poetry

   Robert frost was lead modern American poet of nature. Mostly his poem was on nature elements. He was so much interested in natural things. His poem are concerned with human psychological conditions. Once said, “some people call me poet for nature because of the
natural setting. But I am not a poet for nature, there is also
something else in my poems.” Robert Frost uses nature as
a background to illustrate people’s psychological struggle
with everyday life. His poems usually begin with an
observation in nature and proceed to the connection to human
situation, such as loneliness, helplessness, confusion, and
indifferent human relationship.

Nature as a Source of Human Wisdom
“How many times it thundered before Franklin took the hint.
How many apples fell on Newton's head before he took the
hint. Nature is always hinting at us. It hints over and over
again. And suddenly we take the hint.”----Robert Frost
Nature is always a hint to us. It hints all the time until we
suddenly see the light. Franklin took the hint of thunder and
invented lightening rod. Newton took the hint of a falling
apple and developed the Law of Universal Gravity. Each of us
benefits from nature. We take hints from nature and strengthen
our knowledge. We may not become giants like Franklin and
Newton, but we can become wiser persons. Nature is a source of human wisdom.

Theme of the Death in Robert Frost poem

Through the analysis the poetry written by frost. It had some also auto biographical element in his poetry. He had experience a great loss during his time. Frost poem have ability to take people towards sorrow.
       Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson are tow modern American poet who constantly wrote about theme of Death. There writing style is different . Frost poem Home Burial and Emily’s I felt a funeral in my Brain. I died for Beauty. That three poem constantly show death. Frost greatest loss  was death of his son . Which is depicted in home Burial and Emily's loss her family and friends.  Both are experienced person. They suffering in there life.

Home Burial

 Poet lost their children one child died at the age of three. So we see grief and sorrow obviously found in his poetry. Death is central theme I’m this poem. The complexity between husband and wife relationship beautiful death of their son. In this poem we feel emotional like... Grief , isolation, sorrow, sympathy , acceptance of realty and rejection. After the death of their baby's death his father continue his work by attend work for his basic needs of life. It shows the reality and how he handle situation. How he accepted reality and carry on their life after death. 

"The little graveyard where my people are!
So small the window frames the whole of it.
Not so much larger than a bedroom, is it?"

This lines shows that his father growing up naturally with graveyard nearby their home. Death is natural fact of our life. This line compared  graveyard with bedroom. Death become main elements in this poem.  It can be connected representation of   frost own suffering and pain of lost during his life. So in this poem describe death as the way of getting peaceful sleep and acceptance of death.   



The modernist literature

Modernist literature

Name :- Urvashi N. Chauhan
Roll no. :- 31
Sem : 3 (M.A)
Enrollment no :- 2069108420190008
Email Id :-
Paper :- 9 Modernist Literature
Topic :- The theme of The Birthday Party
Submitted to :-  Department of English MKBU

Introduction about Author :-

    Harold pinter was a British play writer screenwriter actor and director. He was one of the most influential modern British dramatist. He also act  in radio stage television film productions of his own. He  Received Nobel Prize in 2005 For literature.   He was born in hackney East London he was spinter  and Keen cricket player he start acting in school play and writing poetry . His career as a playwright begin with production of the room in 1957.  his second play the play the birthday party closed after the eight months but enthusiastically received by critic.

The birthday party is second full length play. first published in London. We can see how birthday party turn out into Nightmare. the play classified as comedy of manners . we can interpreter birthday party variety of Ideas . He used Pinteresque elements . he used allegorical   interpretation of the play. The Absurd theatre focused on conclusion and chaos. This element manifest constantly through the characters.

What is absurd theatre ?

The Theatre of the Absurd is a post World War II designation for particular plays of absurdist fiction . This written by a number of primarily European playwright in the late 1950.  as well as one for the style of theatre which has evolved from their work. Their work focused largely on the idea of existentialism and expressed what happen when human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down. Logical construction and argument give way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion silence.

  In the Birthday Party is as seem. No one speak the whole truth. Playwright used the silence as meaning it often utilised in the play . The drama of absurd  is dream like, almost lyrical. The  use mythology, imagery, subtext and allegory. They show the deeper meaning which is not easy . Everyone not see that point. This is often never fully explained. Even playwright allow their play to speak for themselves. Pinter explained this absurdist concept in 1962 .

  The Birthday Party is full of disjointed information that defies effort to distinguish between reality and illusion. For example : despite the presentation of personal information on Stanley and his two persecutor. who and what they really are remains a mystery. It is full of mysterious play. Goldberg provides information  his background. But he not give clues as to why he has enter in Stanley’s life. The fact is Stanley s past is so unclear.

The theme of Anxiety :

The great  quality of the play lies in the wealth and diversity of the comment. which it seems to make on life not explicitly. but  implication. The play can also be regarded as an image and metaphor of the pinter's  existential anxiety.  The ravages of anxiety upon the human spirit . It is perpetual theme in pinter's  play. Pinter knows that anxiety is a primal force  that can impel the mind into growth into retreat. The Birthday Party portray Stanley's psychological disintegration under the pressure of extreme anxiety. Stanley's neurotic anxiety is present as one of a man in a trap. He is pursued by Goldberg and McCann .whom Martin Esslin calls "the team of terrorists".


  The most fitting for a contemporary audience who would seen this play as something as a period piece. the theme of nostalgia is implicit but significant in The Birthday Party. Goldberg  particularly  taken by nostalgia.  frequently waxing poetic both on his own past and on the 'good old days' .when men respected women . undoubtedly, Goldberg tells some of the story to contrast with the way Stanley treats women. but they also suggest a elusion. he has a delusion that breaks down when he himself assaults Lulu between the second and third acts. He idealizes some past that he can’t live.

  Other characters reveals an affection for nostalgia as well. During the birthday party, Meg and Lulu speak of their childhoods. their nostalgic feeling have dark sides. Meg remember being abandoned . where Lulu's memory of being young lead Goldberg to bounce her perversely on his knee. Similarly the character play blind man's bluff specifically. because it makes them nostalgic..but the sinister side of such nostalgia was  inescapable in the stage. image of Stanley preparing to rape Lulu. Nostalgia is love to feel the play seems to suggest.  but more insidious in its complex.

Violence :

     The Birthday Party is full of violence . The physical and emotional overall suggestion is  that violence is a fact of life. The violence is doubly affected because the setting seems  pleasant and ordinary. Most of the men show their potential for violence.  A especially when they provoke.  Stanley was  cruel and vicious towards Meg .but much cowardly against other men.  McCann and Goldberg have violent outbursts no matter how hard they try to contain themselves. Their entire operation which boast an outward civility. as an insidious purpose. most violent for the way it torture a Stanley slowly to force him to nervous breakdown. In   Acts one and  three they reveal how language can create  violence in the interrogation scene.  The more violence in the play concern women. Stanley not only intimidates Meg verbally but he also prepare to assault Lulu. Goldberg in fact does assault Lulu. The threat of violence was present in the play. Even before we realized that disaster might come. We can feel the potential through the silences and tense atmosphere.

The comedy of menace

The comedy of menace is a tragedy with a number of comic elements. It is produced tragic and comic situation in one play. Throughout the play we find ourselves also the brink of Terror. Harold Pinter is an innovator of a new kind of drama which becomes famous as the Comedy of Menace. Pinter begin his play in our known familiar world.  but gradually make us move into the trajectory and psychodynamics of a world which is beyond our comprehension. In Pinter's Comedy of Menace the laughter and elation of the audience in the same. all situation was  immediately followel by a feeling of impendent  disaster. An audience are made aware in the centre of his laughter of some menace. The feelings of insecurity and uncertainty throughout the play also enhance the menacing atmosphere of his The Birthday Party.

   The  comedy of menace in Pinterian drama was also produced by potential violence. And  actual violence or from an underlined sense of violence throughout the play. He makes the audience feel that the security of the main character like stanley .and even the audiences' own security are threatened by some sort of impending danger and disaster.
  In the birthday Throughout the play we find that the hint of menace is inflected upon the individual freedom of a person. and it juxtapose the comic element drastically dilutes the comic appeal. Pinter shows his state in the existential view that danger persuade everywhere and life can't escape from it. Pinter thinks that Stanley is the protagonist might have committed a serious crime and the run for escaping the consequence and legal implications of his life.

Conclusion :

     At the end of the play, audiences are given an unsolved riddle about what has been of Stanley which is of paramount significance in Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party - a perfect example of Comedy of Menace. Some critics even believe that it is a superimposition of the European concept of absurd (Martin Esslin has been described the drama as an example of the Theatre of the Absurd) to the English native wit. Here what is true or what is false, is not matter but the ambience which Pinter clarifies as his concept of menace: '...menace and fear do not come from extraordinary sinister people but from you and me; it is all a matter of circumstances.

Resources :


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