Saturday, 6 April 2019
Assignment of Literary Theory and Criticism : literary terms : feminist criticism, structuralism, Diaspora
Assignment of Romantic Literature: literary Terms: feminist Criticism,Structuralism and diaspora
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Name : chauhan Urvashi N
Roll no : 31
Paper no : 7 criticism
Topic : literary terms : feminist criticism, structuralism, Diaspora
Batch : 2018 -2020
Sem.: M. A sem 2
Enrollment no. : 2069108420190008
Email Id :
Submitted to: Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English MKBU
Feminist criticism
A mode of literary and cultural discussion and reassessment inspired by modern feminist thought from which has developed since the 1970s not a method of interpretation but an arena of debate about the relation between literature and the socio- cultural subordination born by women as writers , readers and fictional character within a male dominated social order. This traditions mostly American and British honours certain earlier pioneer of such discussion notably Rebecca west, Virginia Woolf and three Guineas sometimes regarded as the founding document of the movement and Simone de Beauvoir enjoyed similar status. In its recognizable modern form however the founding texts are Mary Ellmann thinking about woman. A wittily satirical survey of male writers stereotypes of women. And meat Miller s sexual politics an enraged polemic against the alleged misogyny of D.H Lawrence and other modern male authors . These works inspired others to extend the variety of feminist criticism that come to be known as images of woman study in the essays collection in Susan K. Cornillon images of woman in diction or in Judith fetterley the resisting reader.
A major redirection of attention away from the sins of male authors and towards the virtues of woman’s writing was soon launched by a second wave of critics and literary historians notably Ellen Niets in literary woman’s Elaine Show alter in a literature of their own and sandra M. Gilbert with Susan gubar in the madwoman in the Attic. This form of the feminist criticism termed gynocritics by showalter attempt to reconstruct an occluded tradition of woman writing in which female authors are inspired by their foremother rather than by male authors. It meanwhile reinterpret woman’s writings as coded expression of their rage or frustrations against patriarchy.
Since the 1980s these early style of American feminist criticism based on female experience and literary fidelity or infidelity to it have come under some challenge both from woman critics speaking for ethnic and sexual minorities with different experience and from feminist scholar more inclined to draw upon Marxist psychoanalytic or post structuralist thinking . In this latter grip some preferred to pursue the distinct agenda or so called French feminism in the writing of His Kristeva , Luce irigaray and Helene vicious with their theories of gendered language and of ecriture feminine others grew sceptical of what they saw as essentialism models of sexual difference . Feminist criticism and the allied project of feminist literary history have rude become highly variegated and hyphenated . For fuller account consult Mary Eagleston feminist literary theory , Ruth Robbins literary feminism and Ellen Rooney.
First Wave Feminism :- late 1700s-early 1900's: writers like Mary Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792) highlight the inequalities between the sexes. Activists like Susan B. Anthony and Victoria Woodhull contribute to the women's suffrage movement, which leads to National Universal Suffrage in 1920 with the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Third wave feminism :- early 1990s-present: resisting the perceived essentialist (over generalized, over simplified) ideologies and a white, heterosexual, middle class focus of second wave feminism, third wave feminism borrows from post-structural and contemporary gender and race theories (see below) to expand on marginalized populations' experiences. Writers like Alice Walker work to "...reconcile it [feminism] with the concerns of the black community...[and] the survival and wholeness of her people, men and women both, and for the promotion of dialog and community as well as for the valorization of women and of all the varieties of work women perform".
Other Authors are:-
Jane Austen
Aphra Behn
Charlotte Bronte
George Eliot
Thomas Hardy
Mary Leapor
Thomas Middleton
Katherine Mansfield
Olive Schreiner
William Shakespeare
John Webster
Virginina WoolWool
Structuralism is a movement that goes back to the work of Ferdinand de Sausssure, the great linguist. The basic idea is that things are part of a structure. So words in order to have meaning have a structure. if one is studying myths, these myths, too, are part of a larger structure. In this way the application of structuralism can be almost limitless sociology, classics and anthropology come to mind. Structuralism is in some way a study of part to whole.
Gerald Genette writes at the outset in his essay ‘Structuralism and Literary Criticism’ that methods developed for the study of one discipline could be satisfactorily applied to the study of other discipline as well. This is what he calls ‘intellectual bricolage' borrowing a term from Claude Levi-Strauss. This is precisely so, so far as structuralism is concerned. Structuralism is the name given to Saussure’s approach to language as a system of relationship. But it is applied also to the study of philosophy, literature and other sciences of humanity.
Ferdinand de Saussure has given three terms on which structuralism based, They are
1] Language- the entire human potential speech
2] Langue- the system that each of us uses to generate discourse that is intelligible to others
3] Parole - our individual utterance.
In his 'A Course in General Linguistics' he out line three fundamental assumptions:
Arbitrariness: The meanings we attribute to words are entirely arbitrary, and prescribed through usage and convention only. There is no inherent or 'natural' connection between the word and the meaning. The word has no quality that suggests the meaning, nor does meaning 'reside' in the word. Therefore language cannot be said to stand for, or reflect, reality or the world: language is a system in itself. Language refers only to itself, since all words lead to other words. To phrase it in its proper terminology the relation between the signifier and signified is purely arbitrary.
Relational: Every word makes sense because it is different from other words in the organisational chain. Thus 'cat' means cat only because of its difference from ‘cap' or 'hat'.
Systematic: Language constitutes our world, and our very existence. We need to analyse how meaning is produced through the acts of language. We need to understand the set of structures in language that enable us to speak and make sense. In short, we need to study signs and sign systems.
Structuralism seeks the processes of meaning--production that is, how the text constructs meaning. Anything that generates meaning through certain forms of representation is a text.
A Diaspora a large group of people with a similar heritage or homeland who have since moved out to places all over the world.
Origin and development-
Diaspora "I scatter", "I spread about" whi he verb speiro"I sow, I scatter". In Ancient Greece the term diaspora hence meant "scattering” and was inter alia used to refer to citizens of a dominant city-state who emigrated to a conquered land with the purpose of colonization, to assimilate the territory into the empire. An example of a diaspora from classical antiquity is the century-long exile of the Messenians under Spartan rule and the Ageanites as described by Thucydides in his "history of the Peloponnesian wars."
Twentieth century
The twentieth century saw huge population movements. Some involved large-scale transfers of people by government action. Some migrations occurred to avoid conflict and warfare. Other diasporas were created as a consequence of political decisions, such as the end of colonialism.
female writers in diasporic Indian English fiction which is enriched with experiences and mentalities of Indian diaspora.
Anita desai
Kiran desai
Chitra banrjee
Jhumpa Lahiri
She is a second generation Indian American who was born in London, 1967. Her parents were immigrants from the state of West Bengal, India. Her award-winning novel The Namesake (2004) is considered to be one of the best fictions written about immigrant life. In this novel, Lahiri has successfully engaged aspects like the generational gap between first and second generation immigrants, conflict of east-west beliefs, cultural displacement, nostalgia, loss of identity, alienation and despair. The movie which was adopted by this novel too gained much attention worldwide.
Other Authors are:-
Jane Austen
Aphra Behn
Charlotte Bronte
George Eliot
Thomas Hardy
Mary Leapor
Thomas Middleton
Katherine Mansfield
Olive Schreiner
William Shakespeare
John Webster
Virginina Woolf
This literary terms will helpful to understand the literature. It will help reader to understand literature with different perspective . This terms will helpful to see the. Literature beyond the way it told. So by using these terms will help in see the literature in a new and different way.
Assignment of Romantic Literature:Assignment Characteristics of Romantic poetry illustrate from Wordsworth and Coleridge
Assignment Characteristics of Romantic poetry illustrate from Wordsworth and Coleridge
Name : chauhan Urvashi N.
Roll no :31
Paper no : 5 Romantic Literature
Topic : characteristics of romantic poetry illustrate from Wordsworth and Coleridge
Enrollment no :2069108420190008
M.A : sem. 2
Batch : 2018 - 2020
Email Id :
Submitted to : Smt. S . B. Gardi , Department of English Mk Bhavnagar University
Romantic poetry :
The period Of 1798 to 1837 called as a Romantic Age. The poetry which written during this time known as a Romantic Poetry. In this age The Romantic movement happened in 1798 in Britain. It was reaction against the classical Poetry. That movement play a vital role into make a new way of writing . the poetry which were free from classical restrictions. In this movement the most important figure are1) Wordsworth, 2)Coleridge, 3)Byron ,4) john Keats,5) Shelley.
Characteristics of the romantic poetry :-
• The Sublime
• Reaction against -neo-classicism
• Imagination
• Nature poetry
• Subjectivity
• Supernaturalism
• Melancholy
• Simplicity in style
• Endless variety
The Sublime :-
One of the most important concepts in Romantic poetry. The sublime in literature refers to use of language and description that excites thoughts and emotions beyond ordinary experience. Though often associated with grandeur, the sublime may also refer to the grotesque or other extraordinary experiences that "take[s] us beyond ourselves. The literary concept of the sublime became important in the 18th century. It is associated with the 1757 treatise by Edmund though it has earlier roots. The idea of the sublime was taken by Immanuel kant. the romantic poets including especially Wordsworth.
Reaction against-neo-classicism :-
Romantic Poetry is different from Neo Classical Poetry. In Neo classical Poetry is based on the reason and intellectual while Romantic Poetry. Which begins in 18th century. It was reaction against set standard of poetry of classical age. According to William. J. Long
" The Romantic movement was marked and it is always marked by a strong reaction and Protestant against the bondage of rule and custom which in science and theology as well as literature generally tend to fetter the free human spirit."
Romantic Poetry is come after the Romantic movement and this movement become the way of new poetry which is free from classical Poetry and it's rules and regulations later on it called as " Romantic Poetry ".
Imagination :
imagination is a mail characteristics of romantic poetry. is a distinctive feature of romantic poets such as john keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and shelley, unlike the neoclassical poets. Keats said:
“I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of Imagination- What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth.”
For Wordsworth and Blake as well as victor Hugo. Imagination is a spiritual force. That related to morality, and they believed that literature specially poetry improve the world. The secret of great art, Blake claimed, is the capacity to imagine. To define imagination, in his poem ‘ Auguries of innocence’ Blake said:
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
Nature poetry :-
In the romantic period nature is main element in poetry. As a source of inspiration. Romantic Revival happened so the interest of poets was transformed from town to ruler life and from artificial decoration of rooms to the Natural beauty and loveliness of the Nature. Wordsworth is a best example of nature poet. Wordsworth recognized nature as a living thing, teacher, god and everything. These feelings are developed and expressed in his epic poem the prelude. In his poem "The Tables Turn" he writes:
One impulse from the vernal wood
Can teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and good,
Than all sages can.
Shelley is a another nature poet.
Subjectivity :-
Romantic poetry is the poetry of sentiments, emotions and imagination. Romantic poetry opposed the objectivity of neoclassical poetry. Neoclassical poets avoided describing their personal emotions in their poetry, unlike the Romantics.
Supernaturalism :-
Supernaturalism is also important characteristics. Most of romantic poet used supernatural element in their poetry. Many poetry based on supernatural element. Samuel Taylor and Coleridge best examples . Kubla khan is full of supernatural element. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Scott gave the sense of wondering and Mystery into poetry.
Love of liberty :
This is another important feature of the Romantic poets. They expected both poetic and national liberty. In poetic liberty the poets wanted to write free hand poems. They didn’t want to be confined within the particular framework of poetry. Means rules and regulation were not inportant feature for them.They emphasized on the subject matter.In their writings the poets also showed a type of raction and revolt.
Endless variety :-
Romantic Poetry there edless form of variety. There are many types of variety sees in the Romantic Poetry. This age of poetry is full of varieties in the characters and moods of different writers.
Hellenism :-
The world of classical Greece was important to the Romantics. John Keats' poetry is full of allusions to the art, literature and culture of Greek as for example in "ode on a Grecian urn".
William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and was an influential poet during his later years and among the poets responsible for the beginning of the Romantic era. He was one of the greatest poet of English literature. There are many reasons that Wordsworth considered as Romantic Poet. He was a pioneer of Romantic Movement. It was a reaction against a Classical Poetry. It was beginning in 19th century. It was begins with the publication of the "Lyrical Ballads ".
wordsworth dealt with a simple and genuine kind of nature, that of peasants, who were reputed to have a privileged relationship with it. In his opinion nature was pervaded by God and could be a moral guide, each element led to the contact with him. The feelings nature inspired could then be elaborated in a poetic form thanks to a process Wordsworth called “recollection in tranquillity”, that involved memory and imagination.
Imagination :-
Wordsworth saw imagination as a powerful, active force that works alongside our senses, interpreting the way we view the world and influencing how we react to events.
He believed that a strong imaginative life is essential for our well-being. Often in Wordsworth’s poetry, his intense imaginative effort translates into the great visionary moments of his work.Wordsworth: a certain colouring of imagination, imagination coloured reality and also modifies the object observed.
"The Rainbow come and goes,
And lovely is the Rose,
The Moon doth with delight
Look round her when the heavens are bare"
Nature :
Wordsworth is a nature poet, a fact known to every reader of Wordsworth. He is a supreme worshipper of Nature. Nature has a pivotal position in his poetry. Wordsworth’s philosophy of nature can be understood within the following three parameters:
1) He conceived Nature as a living personality.
2) Nature as a source of consolation and joy.
3) Nature as a great teacher, guardian and nurse.
Wordsworth believed in the education of man by Nature. In this respect Wordsworth was influenced by Rouseau who was a great educationist of man by Nature. He Describe about nature as a "never did betray the heart that loved her". So through he shows the importance of
Wordsworth use simple and everyday language in ‘I wondered lonely as could’.
The poet, described in ideal perfection, brings the whole soul of man into activity, with the subordination of its faculties to each other, according to their relative worth and dignity. He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity that blends and fuses, each into each, by that synthetic and magical power to which we have exclusive appropriated the name of imagination. This power, first put in action by the will and understanding and retained under their remissive, though gentle and unnoticed, control reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of opposite or discordant qualities: of sameness, with difference; of the general, with the concrete; the idea, with the image; the individual, with the representative; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects; a more than usual state of emotion, with more than usual order; judgment ever awake and steady self-possession, with enthusiasm and feeling profound or vehement; and while it blends and harmonizes the natural and the artificial, still subordinates art to nature; the manner to the matter, and our admiration of the poet to our sympathy with the poetry. “
— “Biographia Literaria”, Chapter 14
-He sought to give the charm of novelty to things of everyday objects – by making supernatural natunatur
-Introduced dream like quality- element of mystery- wonder and supernatural.
- Went to Middle Ages- created the atmosphere of magic/mystery.
-‘epicure in sounds’- master of melody.
-Element of mysticism in diction- he differentiates prose and poetry in diction.
- Lived in the world of fancy and thoughts.
The Time of the ancient marinor
major poem written by Coleridge. It is about the experiences of a sailor who has returned from a long sea voyage after many times. The Mariner stops a man. Man is going to a wedding ceremony. Mariner begins to narrate a story. The wedding-guest's reaction turns from excitement to impatience. Later on they feel fear to fascination as the mariner's story progresses. In this poem Coleridge uses many narrative techniques like personification, repetition to create a sense of danger and fear , using the supernatural elements. It is also depending on the mood in different parts of the poem. So it was considered as a best poem of Coleridge which also includes the characteristics of Romantic Poet.
● Conclusion :
So the Wordsworth and Coleridge considered as a best representation of Romantic Poetry. Through their works they consider as a best poet among the Romantic poets. Their poetry including all the characteristics of Romantic Poetry. They both created a remarkable position in Romantic Poetry.
Assignment of cultural studies:Gayatri spivak concert of subaltern theory
Gayatri spivak concert of subaltern theory
Name : urvashi chauhan
Roll no.: 31
Sem : m.a sem 2
Topic : concept of subaltern
Paper : 8 cultural studie
Enrollment no :2069108420190008
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Submitted to : Smt. S.b Gardi Department of English MKBU
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Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak was born 24 February 1942. She is an Indian scholar, literary theorist and feminist critic. She is a university professor at the Columbia University and a founding member of the establishment's Institute for Comparative Literature and Society.
Considered one of the most influential postcolonial intellectuals, Spivak is best known for her essay "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
And for her translation of and introduction to Jacques Derrida's "De la grammatologie". She also translated such works of Mahasweta Devi as Imaginary Maps and Breast Stories into English and with separate critical appreciation on the texts and Devi's life and writing style in general.
Spivak was awarded the 2012 Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy for being "a critical theorist and educator speaking for the humanities against intellectual colonialism in relation to the globalized world." In 2013, she received the Padma Bhushan the third highest civilian award given by the Republic of India.
postcolonial theory, the term subaltern describes the lower classes and the social groups who are at the margins of a society: a subaltern is a person rendered without agency by social status.
A subaltern is someone with a low ranking in a social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized or opoppresse.
Subalterns occupy entry-level jobs or occupy a lower rung of the "corporate ladder." But the term is also used to describe someone who has no political or economic power, such as a poor person living under a dictatorship.
critical theory and post colonialism, the term subaltern designates the populations which are socially, politically, and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland. In describing "history told from below", subaltern was coined by Antonio Gramsci, notably through his work on cultural hegemony, which identified the groups that are excluded from a society's established institutions and thus denied the means by which people have a voice in their society.
subaltern is not just a classy word for "oppressed", for somebody who's not getting a piece of the pie.... In post-colonial terms, everything that has limited or no access to the cultural imperialism is subaltern—a space of difference. Now, who would say that's just the oppressed? The working class is oppressed. It's not subaltern.... Many people want to claim subalternity. They are the least interesting and the most dangerous. I mean, just by being a discriminated-against minority on the university campus; they don't need the word 'subaltern'.... They should see what the mechanics of the discrimination are. They're within the hegemonic discourse, wanting a piece of the pie, and not being allowed, so let them speak, use the hegemonic discourse. They should not call themselves subaltern.
Can the Subaltern Speak?" (1988) by Gayatri Spivak relates to the manner in which western cultures investigate other cultures. Spivak uses the example of the Indian Sati practice of widow suicide, however the main significance of "Can the Subaltern Speak?" is in its first part which presents the ethical problems of investigating a different culture base on "universal" concepts and frameworks.
"Can the Subaltern Speak?" critically deals with an array of western writers starting from Marx to Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida. The basic claim and opening statement of "Can the Subaltern Speak?" is that western academic thinking is produced in order to support western economical interests. Spivak holds that knowledge is never innocent and that it expresses the interests of its producers. For Spivak knowledge is like any other commodity that is exported from the west to the third world for financial and other types of gain.
Spivak is wondering how can the third world subject be studied without cooperation with the colonial project. Spivak points to the fact that research is in a way always colonial, in defining the "other", the "over there" subject as the object of study and as something that knowledge should be extracted from and brought back "here". Basically we're talking about white men speaking to white men about coloured men/women. When Spivak examines the validity of the western representation of the other, she proposes that the discursive institutions which regulate writing about the other are shut off to postcolonial or feminist scrutiny.
This limitation, Spivak holds, is sue to the fact that critical thinking about the "other" tends to articulate its relation to the other with the hegemonic vocabulary. This is similar to feminist writers which abide by the patriarchy rules for academic writing.
In the following parts of "Can the Subaltern Speak?" Spivak is criticizing different critical writers and then moves on to the example of the Indian "Sati" practice.
Social point out that during colonialism the British assume the authority. And prerogative to speak for the oppressed native woman. The construction of the oppressed native woman was necessary to justified the presence of the modernized saviour Britisher. The native woman apparently called out for liberation. Which the white colonial master was supposed to provide. The nationalist also resurrected the voice of the native woman for their own end. But as spivak point out the voice of the woman is effaced in the discourse of both attionalism and post colonialism she is only speak for .
Building on this nation of the subaltern project was launched in 1982. Under the leadership of Ranajit Guha. This project argued that traditional historiography only celebrated the action of the elite. Thus the ‘freedom struggle' in traditional history was represented as the story of the action of select leaders like Gandhi , nehru and tilak. It ignored the peasant and tribal rebellions that preceded the formation of the Indian national congress. That is such as elitist history ignored or marginalized certain kinds of revolt against the British in favour of the dominant movement. The project therefore explored and records smaller rebellions & tried to redress this balance . It gave a voice to the subaltern within the freedom struggle.
Look us look at another concept map of the various kind of social formation and the subaltern they construct.
In a capitalist society the capitalist hold the power. The working class , toiling to generate profits for the capitalist lacks any agency. But it made to believe it is happy because capitalism as an ideology spreads the illusion that the exploitative capitalist system is actually a generous benevolent and caring patron to the working class.
Reflection of the subaltern Indian writing in English literature
Novel :
Mulk Raj Anand
Among the Indian English writers, Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao and R. K. Narayan played a crucial role to bring India’s controversial inner issues in front of the world in the first half of the twentieth century. Those issues can be considered local issues of the Indian sub-continent but those have a universal appeal. We also observe that the other Indian writers from the present time have continued the trend of representing the struggle of the subalterns at various phases of life.
Among those writers of the present time, Arundhuti Roy, Amitav Ghosh, Kiran Desai and Rohinton Mistry are remarkable writers for their creative and in-depth perspectives.
Mulk Raj Anand’s "Untouchable" and Rohinton Mistry’s "A Fine Balance" concentrate on the miserable life of untouchable characters who try to
change their living condition by entering the centre from the periphery, but their attempt falls apart when it comes into conflict with reality. The portrayal of the subalterns in the two novels is
the crucial subject to be analyzed critically because of their authenticity to represent the
The most vital part of these two novels is their self-analytical approach. Both the stories are presented to readers from the subaltern perspective which is unacceptable to the society.
"Untouchable" focuses on Bakha, an eighteen years old sweeper in colonial
India. It also scrutinizes the depression of untouchables or lower class people and their rage against the upper caste. It gives a glimpse of a story of a day’s rural experience. The story displays the critical and tense relations among untouchable subalterns, upper caste Hindus, Muslims and Christian British colonizers.
Spivak's essay, "can Subaltern speak?" Challenges the idea of colonial "subject" and offers an example of the boundaries of the capability of western discourse,to interrelated with incongruent cultures.This essay is marked a paradigm shift in post-colonial studies..
Assignment of Victorian Literature: Concept of culture according to Matthew Arnold
Concept of culture according to Matthew Arnold
Name:- chauhan Urvashi N.
Roll no :- 31
Paper no:- 6 Victorian literature
Topic:- concept of culture according to Matthew Arnold
Enrollment no:- 2069108420190008
Email Id:-
Class:- sem.2
Batch:- 2018- 2020
Submitted to Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
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Culture and anarchy – Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold was an English poet and cultural critic.who worked as an inspector of schools. He has been characterized as a Sage writer. a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader on contemporary social issues and in his “culture and anarchy” he is doing the same. “Culture and Anarchy” is a series of periodicals essays. His essay first published in Cornhill magazine 1867-68. and collected as a book in 1869. The preface was added in 1875. Arnold’s famous piece of writing on culture established his high Victorian cultural agenda. Which remained dominant in debate from the 1860s until the 1950s.
There are six chapters in Arnold’s Essay ‘Culture and Anarchy’ as,
1. Sweetness and Light
2. Doing as one likes
3. Barbarian , Philistine , Populace
4. Hebraism and Hellenism
5. Porro Unum est Necessarium (but one thing is necessary)
6. Our Liberal Practitioners
There understand the essay culture and anarchy one has to know about the concept of culture given by Arnold. so we will see what is the concept of culture according to Mathew Arnold in brief.
According to Matthew Arnold:
Mathew Arnold in this essay on ‘Culture and Anarchy’ sets out to vindicate the true ‘culture’. By Frederic Harrison etc. And news paper like Daily Telegraph and Times. On doing so he resort to Bishop Wilson’s Maxim of poetry & Christianity , Meditation of Marcus Aurelius M.Renan etc. In the introduction to this essay Arnold clearly mention :
The whole scope of the essay is to recommend Culture as the great help out of our present difficulties. Culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know on all the matters which most concern us “the best which has been thought and said in the world”. and through this knowledge turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock nations and habits. which we now follow staunchly but mechanically vainly imaging that there is a virtue in following them staunchly which makes up for the mischief of following them mechanically.
This and this alone is the scope of the following essay. And the culture we recommend is above all an inward operation. To show the importance of culture Arnold has given an example of American culture. The then news daily Times had praised the advancement of America as “America without religious establishment seems to get ahead of us all even in light and the things of mind.” But by not laying the foundation of culture America .“have created intellectual mediocrity their vulgarity of manners their superficial spirit. their lack of general intelligence.
Arnold a believer in culture :- proposes to try and enquire in the simple unsystematic way “what culture really is what good it can do what is our own special need of it . and he shall seeks to find some plain grounds on which a faith in culture both his own faith in it and the faith of others may rest securely.”
Culture as a study in perfection:-
CULTURE which is the study of perfection leads us . as Arnold in the essay have shown “to conceived to true human perfection as harmonious perfection developing all sides of our humanity. and as a general perfection, developing all parts of our society. For if one member suffers the other members must suffer with it. and the fewer there is that follow the true way of salvation the harder that way is to find.” Culture is considered not merely as the endeavour to see and learn this, but as the endeavour also to make it prevail the moral, social, and beneficent character of culture become manifest.
RELIGION says: ‘The Kingdom of God is within you ’and culture in like manner. Places human perfection in an internal condition in the growth and predominance of our humanity proper as distinguished from our animality. It is in making endless additions to itself in the endless expansion of its power in endless growth in wisdom and beauty. that the spirit of the human race finds its ideal. To reach this ideal culture is an indispensable aid and that is the true value of culture. ‘Not a having and a resting but a growing and a becoming is the character of perfection as culture conceives it and here too it coincides with religion.
Perfection as culture conceives it is not possible while the individual remains isolated. The individual is required under pain of being stunted (underdevelopment) and enfeebled in his own development if he disobeys to carry others along with him in his march towards perfection.
If culture then is a study of perfection and of harmonious perfection, general perfection and perfection which consists in becoming something rather than in having something in an inward condition of the mind and spirit not in an outward set of circumstances. It is clear that culture instead of being the frivolous and useless thing which Mr. Bright and Mr. Frederic Harrison and many other liberals are apt to call it has a very important function to fulfill for mankind.
Arnold mentions that the only purpose of culture is in keeping the mark of human perfection simply and broadly in view and not assigning to his perfection as religion. or utilitarianism assign to it a special and limited character this point of view according to him of culture is best given by these words of Epictetus:- ‘It is a sign of aphuia (without natural talents, dull) says he that is of a nature not finely tempered to give yourselves up to things .which relate to the body to make for instance a great fuss about exercise. a great fuss about eating, a great fuss about drinking, a great fuss about walking, a great fuss about riding. All these things ought to be done merely by the way the formation of the spirit and character must be our real concern. This is admirable and indeed the Greek words aphuis, euphuis (well-grown, shapely, goodly: graceful, of good natural parts: clever, witty also of good disposition a finely tempered nature) gives exactly the notion of perfection as culture brings us to conceives it: a harmonious perfection a perfection in which the characters of beauty and intelligence are both present which unites ‘the two noblest of things, as swift most happily calls them in his Battle of Books ‘the two noblest of things, sweetness and light.
Culture: - Sweetness & Light
Arnold culture is connected with the idea of Sweetness and Light. He tries to explain this idea with the help of Greek words aphuia & euphuia. The euphyes is the man who tends towards sweetness and Light the aphyes on the other hand is our Philistine .The immense spirituals significance of the Greeks is due to having been inspired with this central and happy idea of the essential character of human perfection and Mr. Bright’s misconception of culture as a smattering of Greek and Latin comes itself after all from this wonderful significance of the Greeks having affected the very machinery of our education, and is in itself a kind of homage to it. In thus making sweetness and light to be characters of perfection culture is of like spirit with poetry follows one law with poetry.
Culture however show its single-minded love of perfection. its desire simply to make reason and the will of God prevail its freedom from fanaticism by its attitude towards all this machinery .even while it insists that it is machinery.
The pursuit of perfection then, perfection then is the pursuit of sweetness and light. He who works for sweetness and light works to make reason and the will of God prevail. He who works for machinery. he who works for hatred works only for confusion. Culture looks beyond machinery. culture hates hatred culture has one great passion the passion for sweetness and light.
What is greatness?
Culture makes us ask- ‘What is Greatness? ’Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excites love interest, and admiration and the outward proof of possessing greatness is that we excite love, interest, and admiration. If England were swallowed up by the sea tomorrow which of the two a hundred years hence would most excite the love, interest and admiration mankind, would most therefore show the evidence of having possessed greatness the England of Elizabeth of a time of splendid spiritual effort . but when our coal, and our industrial operation depending on coal were very little developed? The people who believe most that our greatness and welfare are proved by our being very rich and who most give their lives and thoughts to becoming rich. are just the very people whom we call Philistine. Culture says: - ‘Consider these people then, their voices look at them attentively observe the literature they read the things which give them pleasure the words which come forth out of their mouths the thoughts which make the furniture of their mind would any amount of wealth be worth having with the condition . that one was to become just like these people by having it? And thus culture begets a dissatisfaction which is of the highest possible value in stemming the common tide of men’s thought in a wealthy and industrial community and which saves the future as one may hope from being vulgariz even if it cannot save the present.
Thus to conclude we may say that the men of culture are the true apostles of equality. The great men of culture are those who have had a passion for diffusing for carrying from one end of society to the other the best knowledge the best ideas of their time .who have labored to divest knowledge of all that was harsh, difficult, abstract, professional to humanize it to make it efficient outside the circle of the cultivated and learned, yet still remaining the best knowledge and thought of the time and a true sources therefore of sweetness and light. Such a man was Ablerardin the middle Ages are such were Lessing and Herder in Germany- generations will pass and literary monuments will accumulate and works far more perfect than the works of Lessing and Herder will be produced in Germany and yet the names of these two men will fill a German with enthusiasm.
Sources from reading material
Words :- 1767
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Thinking activity on online discussion: Cultural studies
Thinking activity on online discussion: Cultural studies
Sharmeen obaid chinoy is a pakistani journalist , filmmaker. She talk about woman.
Sharmeen obaid Chinoy is Got Oscar award for her documentary " A Girl in the River " .It is about honor killing in Pakistan. This short film about pakistani woman. who have suffered from cruelty. She telling their stories to the world they fought back and exposed injustice . She writes favour of woman’s right. It is shows the real situation of women that how they suffering so by showing this reality it brings awareness in society.
Arvind Adiga's “ white tiger” he wrote the novel about the darker side of India . his novel supplies a darkly humorous perspective of India’s class struggle in a globalised world. It is told through a retrospective narration from a village boy. We have many examples like Slumdog Millionaire. but, we can also say that writers has freedom of expression, they can write whatever they wants to.Sharmeen, raise her voice against the male dominance. I am agree with the point and we have to accept the reality and change our self with appropriate situation.
Sharmeen obaid chinoy is a pakistani journalist , filmmaker. She talk about woman.
Sharmeen obaid Chinoy is Got Oscar award for her documentary " A Girl in the River " .It is about honor killing in Pakistan. This short film about pakistani woman. who have suffered from cruelty. She telling their stories to the world they fought back and exposed injustice . She writes favour of woman’s right. It is shows the real situation of women that how they suffering so by showing this reality it brings awareness in society.
Arvind Adiga's “ white tiger” he wrote the novel about the darker side of India . his novel supplies a darkly humorous perspective of India’s class struggle in a globalised world. It is told through a retrospective narration from a village boy. We have many examples like Slumdog Millionaire. but, we can also say that writers has freedom of expression, they can write whatever they wants to.Sharmeen, raise her voice against the male dominance. I am agree with the point and we have to accept the reality and change our self with appropriate situation.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
I. A Richard : figurative language
Figurative language
I . A Richard was born on 1893 in England. Ivor Armstrong Richards was a British poet and scholar. He was a poet, dramatist, speculative philosopher, psychologist is among the first of the 20th century critics to bring to English criticism a pscientific precision and objectivity. He was pioneer of new criticism.
His works are:
1. The Meaning of Meaning – 1923
2. The Principles of Literary Criticism – 1924
3. The Practical Criticism – 1929.
Four misunderstanding of language :
1. Misunderstanding of the sense of poetry: Careless, intuitive reading (rhyme or irregular syntax).
2. Over-literal reading – prosaic reading.
3. Defective scholarship.
4. Difference in meaning of words in poetry and prose.
HE gave new path to literary criticism. In his methodology, a lot of importance is given to the words. He believed that poet writes to communicate and language is the means of that communication. Language is made of words and words carry four kinds of meaning:
1.Sense : The items referred by a writer.
2.Feelings : Feeling refers to emotions. Emotional attitude, will, attitude, desire, pleasure, displeasure.
3.Tone: Tone is writers attitude to his readers or audience.
4.Intention : It is writers aim which may be conscious or unconscious. It refresh to the effect that he tries to produced.
He give a two use of Language
1. Scientific use
2. Emotive use
I . A Richard was born on 1893 in England. Ivor Armstrong Richards was a British poet and scholar. He was a poet, dramatist, speculative philosopher, psychologist is among the first of the 20th century critics to bring to English criticism a pscientific precision and objectivity. He was pioneer of new criticism.
His works are:
1. The Meaning of Meaning – 1923
2. The Principles of Literary Criticism – 1924
3. The Practical Criticism – 1929.
Four misunderstanding of language :
1. Misunderstanding of the sense of poetry: Careless, intuitive reading (rhyme or irregular syntax).
2. Over-literal reading – prosaic reading.
3. Defective scholarship.
4. Difference in meaning of words in poetry and prose.
HE gave new path to literary criticism. In his methodology, a lot of importance is given to the words. He believed that poet writes to communicate and language is the means of that communication. Language is made of words and words carry four kinds of meaning:
1.Sense : The items referred by a writer.
2.Feelings : Feeling refers to emotions. Emotional attitude, will, attitude, desire, pleasure, displeasure.
3.Tone: Tone is writers attitude to his readers or audience.
4.Intention : It is writers aim which may be conscious or unconscious. It refresh to the effect that he tries to produced.
He give a two use of Language
1. Scientific use
2. Emotive use
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Rivers and tides : documentary
Rivers and tides : documentary
River and tides is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. It is about Transitory nature of art and life. won the Golden Gate Award Grand Prize for Best Documentary at the 2003 San Francisco International Film Festival. Goldsworthy create intricated and temporary sculpture from natural materials such as rocks , leaves flowers, snow , ice clay. He connects Creativity of art with deep philosophical meaning of life and nature. River means growth it has deep connotations like River of growth goes through trees , growth of animal ( birth ) River of sheep flow and movement.
Here we can see that how he represents the processes of life and death through nature.
The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about death”
It represents that everything in life is temporary and everything will be changed or destroyed as the time passes.
It also speaks about the spiral shape of nature. In the natural world everything is in spiral or circular shape. There is no triangular shape.
Thank you...
River and tides is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. It is about Transitory nature of art and life. won the Golden Gate Award Grand Prize for Best Documentary at the 2003 San Francisco International Film Festival. Goldsworthy create intricated and temporary sculpture from natural materials such as rocks , leaves flowers, snow , ice clay. He connects Creativity of art with deep philosophical meaning of life and nature. River means growth it has deep connotations like River of growth goes through trees , growth of animal ( birth ) River of sheep flow and movement.
Here we can see that how he represents the processes of life and death through nature.
The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about death”
It represents that everything in life is temporary and everything will be changed or destroyed as the time passes.
It also speaks about the spiral shape of nature. In the natural world everything is in spiral or circular shape. There is no triangular shape.
Thank you...
Interaction with Vishal Bhadani
Vishal bhadani
Talk with an author and translator Vishal Bhadani.
On 1st January, 2019 in our department organisation of workshop on translation studies and talk with an author Vishal Bhadani. We get much knowledge of translation and bright career in it. As an author to heard him it also opportunity for us.
The workshop was divided in to two sessions. In the first session he talk about his book of short story collection Fictionalay and he read a few stories in his book . He send a story like..
1. Mara hath nu vat nathi
2. Museum of innocence
3. Sansai and ranzana
4. Spring
He is very good story teller . when he was reading his own work he was able to make his audience stick with their seats. His stories are full of variety. It gives amazing feeling of freshness and uniqueness to the reader.
After the session of short stories we have Translation session in which Vishal Sir spoke about the job opportunities in the field of Translation. Translation is very tough as well as great work. we had done one task of translating phrase.
In this way we get knowledge about how to write short stories and also about translation. He has also given some ideas to He has also given some ideas to work from home.
Talk with an author and translator Vishal Bhadani.
On 1st January, 2019 in our department organisation of workshop on translation studies and talk with an author Vishal Bhadani. We get much knowledge of translation and bright career in it. As an author to heard him it also opportunity for us.
The workshop was divided in to two sessions. In the first session he talk about his book of short story collection Fictionalay and he read a few stories in his book . He send a story like..
1. Mara hath nu vat nathi
2. Museum of innocence
3. Sansai and ranzana
4. Spring
He is very good story teller . when he was reading his own work he was able to make his audience stick with their seats. His stories are full of variety. It gives amazing feeling of freshness and uniqueness to the reader.
After the session of short stories we have Translation session in which Vishal Sir spoke about the job opportunities in the field of Translation. Translation is very tough as well as great work. we had done one task of translating phrase.
In this way we get knowledge about how to write short stories and also about translation. He has also given some ideas to He has also given some ideas to work from home.
Thinking activity on Derrida deconstruction
Thinking activity on Deconstruction
1. What do you understand by Deconstruction ?
Derrida said about infinite play of meaning . We get only illusion , not final meaning of word . Meaning is something in mind. We assume that we understand actually stopped asking question on the meaning of the word. We never get final meaning but postpone it. So if we think we understand the things , we don't because language is constructed by full of figurative components.
We can say that literature creates multiplicity of meaning . It creates a kind of ambivalence . Language is not transparent medium of communication , mistaken of signifier for signified creates aesthetic illusion. De - constructive writing is most of the time ,' auto- critical ' questions itself , ongoing. Derrida critiques the whole tendency that language as speech rather than writing . Derrida wants to transformed the way people think by idea of Deconstruction.
2. Read an ad or TV serial or film or literary text as post structuralist critic , be brief , precise and to the point.
In this advertisement of chocolate of “Snickers” we can find content is that before eating chocolate that boy transferred in girls and then eating after chocolate he transfer in boy. So that is a exaggeration. That is hungry. He feel weakness not push the car. And after eating chocolate he have a strength and then do it. It is used a girl is a symbol of physically weak.
So we can say that patriarchy in our society at every stage. It is difficult to remove it , the same thinking process rooted in minds of people. So it can deconstructed that patriarchy remaining major issue of society.
1. What do you understand by Deconstruction ?
Derrida said about infinite play of meaning . We get only illusion , not final meaning of word . Meaning is something in mind. We assume that we understand actually stopped asking question on the meaning of the word. We never get final meaning but postpone it. So if we think we understand the things , we don't because language is constructed by full of figurative components.
We can say that literature creates multiplicity of meaning . It creates a kind of ambivalence . Language is not transparent medium of communication , mistaken of signifier for signified creates aesthetic illusion. De - constructive writing is most of the time ,' auto- critical ' questions itself , ongoing. Derrida critiques the whole tendency that language as speech rather than writing . Derrida wants to transformed the way people think by idea of Deconstruction.
2. Read an ad or TV serial or film or literary text as post structuralist critic , be brief , precise and to the point.
In this advertisement of chocolate of “Snickers” we can find content is that before eating chocolate that boy transferred in girls and then eating after chocolate he transfer in boy. So that is a exaggeration. That is hungry. He feel weakness not push the car. And after eating chocolate he have a strength and then do it. It is used a girl is a symbol of physically weak.
So we can say that patriarchy in our society at every stage. It is difficult to remove it , the same thinking process rooted in minds of people. So it can deconstructed that patriarchy remaining major issue of society.
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તત્વમસિ નર્મદે હર ધુવ ભટૃ ની સમુદ્રાન્તીકે પછી આ બીજી નવલકથા વાચુ છુ.આ નવલકથાનું પોસ્ટર જ ઘણું આ બુક વીશે કહી જાય છે. આખી નોવેલ ...

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તત્વમસિ નર્મદે હર ધુવ ભટૃ ની સમુદ્રાન્તીકે પછી આ બીજી નવલકથા વાચુ છુ.આ નવલકથાનું પોસ્ટર જ ઘણું આ બુક વીશે કહી જાય છે. આખી નોવેલ ...
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