Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Thinking activity on Derrida deconstruction

Thinking activity on Deconstruction

1. What do you understand by Deconstruction ?

Derrida said about infinite play of meaning . We get only illusion , not final meaning of word . Meaning is something in mind. We assume that we understand actually stopped asking question on the meaning of the word. We never get final meaning but postpone it. So if we think we understand the things , we don't because language is constructed by full of figurative components.

We can say that literature creates multiplicity of meaning . It creates a kind of ambivalence . Language is not transparent medium of communication , mistaken of signifier for signified creates aesthetic illusion. De - constructive writing is most of the time ,' auto- critical ' questions itself , ongoing. Derrida critiques the whole tendency that language as speech rather than writing . Derrida wants to transformed the way people think by idea of Deconstruction.

2. Read an ad or TV serial or film or literary text as post structuralist critic , be brief , precise and to the point.

  In this advertisement of chocolate of “Snickers” we can find content is that before eating chocolate that boy transferred in girls and then eating after chocolate he transfer in boy. So that is a exaggeration. That is hungry. He feel weakness not push the car. And after eating chocolate he have a strength and then do it. It is used a girl is a symbol of physically weak.

So we can say that patriarchy in our society at every stage. It is difficult to remove it , the same thinking process rooted in minds of people. So it can deconstructed that patriarchy remaining major issue of society.

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