Sunday, 1 September 2019

Shitala Saatam : Religion vs Science

Shitala Saatam : Religion vs Science

Shitala Saatam  is a religious festival in Gujarat. This festival come in 'Shrawan' month in every year. That moth is full of religious festival and events. We are living in religious country India. All festival has different story and myth. That is also connected with scientific reason. In the same way shitala Saatam is also behind story. Goddess will prevent diseases of Small pox.

 People are  celebrate shitala Saatam as religious festival that is generated in our mind. But “ SHITALA”  is a name of one disease. How can we believe like that she is Goddess. People are blindly follow that.
      People say that it’s a time of modern era. We are modern generation . But still not able to think rationally. We know that religion and science are always conflicts between each other. It is a best example.
         In the ancient time people are not educated so our  'sages' are give knowledge to make story connected with religion. Moral is connected with scientific reason. And present time people are well educated but still that problem is remaining. They not think rationally . They also believe in illogical things. So it’s very dangerous for society.
      If we see the ancient time so notice that any type of disease are people taken as a God punishment. And that arranged by some evil spirits. God is not happy for they work and God give punishment. People believed in supernatural power. today also worshiping goddess Sitala by eating a food on previous day as called cold food.

      There is belief that if anyone make a hot food on that day so Goddess is anger on and give punishment as small pox. Even scientists are also find vaccine. This vaccine finding by Edward Jener.  But still we have belief in supernatural power. Also fear from Goddesses.  People knowing very well that  small pox is under control by vaccine. Even they follow that ritual.

Inoculation vs vaccination

     inoculation generally known as tikah was practised in 17th century in India. This operation is performed by selected Brahmin’s community. In this method when small pox were came to maturity at that time by taking a pus and dipping these in the point of pretty large sharp needle. There were puncturing also invite bacteria.  Also fall down into fever. That disease also a infection type.  after the operation they do not allow to eat fish, milk and ghee for the one month from the day of inoculation. People are dies for that small pox.

   Nowadays we get situation of this disease through the vaccine. But we have no solutions to rationalize people. Because still people believed in religion rather than scientific reason.

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