Here I want to share my experience about guest lecture on post colonial studies. We have guest lecture of Dr. Balaji Ranganathan from the central University of Gujrat Gandhinagar. He invited by Dr. Dilip Barad to our department of English MKBU.
This session divided in three days. I attend this session. He discusses about various topic like :-
1. Black skin white mask - Frantz Fanon
2. Orientalism - Edward Said
3. A Tempest – Aime Cesaire
4. Imaginary Homeland – Salman Rushdie
5. How to prepare comparative example (NET & G-SET).
First day he talked about colonialism, Imperialism and post colonialism. Then he discusses on. Black skin White Mask by frantz Fanon. He also discuss eight chapter of the text.
1. The Negro and Language
2. The Woman of color and white man
3. The man of color and white Woman
4. The So-called Dependency complex of colonial people
5. The fact of blackness
6. The Negro and psychology
7. The Negro and Recognition
8. By way of Conclusion
He gives advised to read Original text. Some sentence from the Original text.
Toward a new humanism ...
Understanding among men...
Our colored brothers..
Mankind I believe in you
Race prejudice
To Understand and to love
What does a man want?
What does Black man want?
- The white man is sealed in his whiteness.
- The Black man in his Blackness.
He talked on white civilization throw the example of ' Jungle Savage'.
He said colonial resistance is not about biological.
Nothing like love and hate. The example of Gandhiji against the British rules not hate British.
If we can not understand properly in first attempt then he repeated with some other examples. We find the difference between A TEMPEST AND THE TEMPEST . We see a similarity and dissimilarity. His teaching method is after he teaching topic and ask difficulty. He says are you understand? Are you getting it properly? So he do cross check.
He talked about last topic Imagenary Homrland and ‘Diaspora’, Multiculturalism ,Nostalgia of Memory. He says memories are always partial.
In the last session he discusses about competitive exams. He ask what is your future goal. And how to prepare for that type of exam. Also give new way of job. We have not only teaching opportunity we can also do other job. He give very good advice for us. Thank you Dilip Barad sir for organised this lacture.
Thank you...
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