Thursday, 30 January 2020

Expert lecture on ELT -2 : professor Atanu Bhattacharya

Hello reader

This activity is a part of my academic activity.

     Here I am sharing my view about expect lecture on English language Teaching -2 by professor Atanu Bhattacharya. This session organized by our professor Dilip Barad Sir department of English MKBU. Atanu sir came from central University of Gujrat. He is professor and Dean of central University. He came on 25th to 27th January 2020.

  He takes about various consent like

- history of English language
- Rubric evaluation with practice
- task based teaching
- audio ligule and audio visual method
- communicative language teaching method
- natural and direct method
- positive response
- cognitive & metacognitive skills
- testing , Evaluation, Assessment
- six level of language

In a last day  Atanu sir talked on research prospect and future of  English studies. Atanu sir talked on history of English language and literature. First time Kolkata, Mumbai and Madras start teaching English as a subject. Then he give information about what is a possible research area nowadays which topic are areas are in trend.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Sense of an Ending learning outcome

    The sense of an Ending novel give a so many idea to understand the person and society. How our choice and our regular movement effect in our lives. Adrian explore philosophy system and also teach how to live in it. He is drawn to abstraction a way of give meaning to his life.

     Sense of Ending book explores new vision of to see any thing with different perspective. And how literature effects in our life. All character are playing role with some literature reference. Or  how our reading shape our mindset that things learn through this novel. We are not judge person according to their act but give some space to behind the reason.
   ' The more you learn the less you fear'

      Learning is not a sense of academic studies but in the practice understanding of life.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Web quest of Harry potter

Harry potter - J. K. Rowling

This blog is part of my academic task given by Dilip Barad Sir. To know more about activity click here

       Harry potter is series of fantasy novel written by J. k. Rowling. The first novel harry potter and Philosopher's stone on 26 June 1997.

1. The Sorcerer's stone
2. The chamber of secrets
3. The prisoner of Azkaban
4. Goblet of fire
5. Order of the phoenix
6. The half Blood Prince
7. The Deathly hellows part -1
8. The Deathly hellows part-2

Here is my web quest activity Click here

  Feminist reading

       Hermione is a major character in harry potter series. Many people says that J.K . Rowling has not left any place to her crises her work from feminists point of view. It is not totally true. There are many female characters play some effective role. Like the handmaster of Hogwarts miss Umbridge. She rules one who ruled on Hogwarts. The other character is lily. She is a mother of Harry. She is more important than harry's father James. The mother of Ron and Ginny molly. she is a housewife but when it comes to her daughter she can fighting with Bellatrix and defeat so she is a also kind and powerful woman in harry potter.
We see all woman character are under the power of men. Woman character are not central  character they are portrayed as a helping character in harry potter. Harry is a important character in the novel.

    Hermione Granger portrayed as most intelligent , smart and talented girl. She is very conscious about studying. She is very active student and also she get sparks to her mind with right time. Sometimes she leads Ron and Harry. She also very good in do magic. Hermione is also very kind person and always ready for his friends. She like animals and birds some time she became so emoy while hunting spider. She have knowledge of  bookish and solve the code and reason in the book. She removed her memory from her parents lives. Some strong side and weak sides are point out in harry potter.

Children literature

       Harry potter is a children's literature. It is not only children literature but also for young adults person. Harry potter series is full of fiction and fantasy. So what is children literature. In a simple language we can say that which literature contain stories About fairy tale, fantasy, dream world, with imagination and moral Idea. And the most important thing children entertainment books. That is called. Children literature and Juvenile literature.

         Harry potter books translated in many language. The book language is very simple so easy understand for children. Children are enjoying to see magic realism. J.k Rowling open quire literature also. Adventure stories always to attract children mindset. Harry potter shows school life like students life, library and friends. Hillary crew suggest that the series has been "magic" for many young people, whittled their own wands , dressed up in ' invisible capes'. Kids are not only ones who have read and reread these books with passion. So many people give a review on that series some people say it is life changing experience. But according to some critics it is quite different to consider harry potter as a children's literature. J k Rowling used very simple language. Children like to see magic, invisibility, cloak, time - turners, flying, magical wand , or mysterious world things.

Self - help culture

         Self help book is one that is written with intention to instruct it's readers on solving personal problems. Self- help books moved from a nich position to being a postmodern culture phenomenon in the late twentieth century.
       the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one's problems without the aid of others especially : the coping with one's personal or emotional problems without professional help.

Harrypotter is a self help book
 because that book give some clues which can make self help book. Like for finding happiness in Dark times, honestly working in his duty even people hate you that reflects in pro. Snspes character. Then loyalty, sacrifices , friendship that all things are which can take as a self help book. We learn somany idea through this book.

This book is something different then any other books. That book shows who talked about people that there is something lacking in ourselves . That book teach us if you are right then fight against power position. We can see that in Dumbledore's army which is trained by Harry. Harry' s team fight against ministry of magic. 

We see sacrifice lily for her son harry.
It help to reads to overcome from psychological struggle. 

We learn the self identity in
Harry's character. And also learn about importance of mindfulness. Or in Hermione Granger 's character teach us our reading habbit give a knowledge and spark right time in our mind. Also learn observation skill and connecting dots from Hermione. 

Pain give a strength and learn
Value of life. 

Believe in yourself no one can 
Help you. You have to help yourself not waiting of others. We learn that things through Hermione and Harry character.

Choice and chance

         Our choice make us what we are good or bad. This book suspenseful drive plot the meaningful choice.

        The question of choice versus chance runs throughout the Harry potter series. That question raised on the first time at the end of the Chamber of secrets. When Riddle tells Harry that  " It was merely a Lucky chance to saved you".


    Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry " It is our choice that show what we truly are for more than our Ability".

  Voldemort continues to insist on chance as the cause of his downfall, right up to the bitter end. And  Dumbledore  by contrast  insists on the importance of personal choice in determining outcomes, rather than either chance or fate.  J. K Rowling has said that Dumbledore often speaks for her so it seems that she would also believe in choice rather than chance.

    'Life is a about Choice and chance ,
You make a choice and take a chance.'

Here is my chart of Harry potter click here

   Here is rubric evaluation of my blog click here   

Resources :

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Thinking activity on The Da Vinci code by Dan brown

This blog is a part of my Academic thinking  activity. This task given by pro. Dilip Barad.

1) Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

         Dan  Brown says The Da Vinci code is not a anti Christian novel. As we see the beginning of the Novel there is a question on the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. There is also so many things about Christian religion. But Jesus blood is also not accept that faith. Sophie Neveu also belongs to Jesus's blood but she is anti Christian character in the novel. She is a child of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. But Sophie have a no faith in Christian religion. The other characters Leigh Teabing who believe in human Bing .he believes there is not any divine force. Making should be free from that type of things. So larger part of the novel is a anti Christian. They have also question on Jesus and Magdalene's relations. 

2) “Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

     The observation of Norris Lacy is true. We can say Akiva Goldsman has retained the story line and it is much like novel. The grail related material, definite aspects of Leonardo's art and many things. The screen writer is successful to keep the core content through the use of all the symbols and secrets about the novel. We can find the scenes in Louvre museum so it is much realistic. Dan Brown's major materials for the novel is taken from the book 'The holy blood and the holy grail'. The idea of feminine sacredness is much live as Sophie Nevue leads to Robert Langton.  So everything is not true but it has  historical sense. It used to make story interested.

3) You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

I think Milton’s narrative is more truthful. Paradise lost is more convincing to contemporary young mind because human is a centre of the paradise lost. In the Genesis God is a centre Leonardo Da Vinci suffering from Dyslexia. So he create mistakes. Some are the nothing hidden code. Da Vinci's painting is a very problematic when compared with paradise lost. Eve raised questions against God. Milton's narrative is a human centric so it is more convincing to young mind.

4)What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Thinking activity on Waiting for Barbarians by John Maxwell Coetzee

Thinking activity on the novel Waiting for Barbarians

About Author

Waiting for Barbarians is a novel written by south African writer John Maxwell Coetzee.  John Maxwell Coetzee is a novelist , essayist, translator, linguist and recipient of the Nobel prize in literature 2003. Penguin Books named Waiting for the Barbarians for its series "Great Books of the 20th Century". The Nobel Prize committee called Waiting for the Barbarians "a political thriller in the tradition of Joseph Conrad, in which the idealist’s naiveté opens the gates to horror".

About the Novel :

   The Waiting for Barbarians Frist published in 1980.J. M Coetzee took the tittle from the poem “ Waiting for the Barbarians”. This poem written by Greek poet Constantine P. Covafy. This novel is deeply influenced by Italian writer Dino Buzzati's novel The Tartar Steppe.
  Waiting for Barbarians is Allegorical novel. This novels story about imagery of Empire. Also about morality and deals with human cruelty.

Major characters :

     The magistrate is the first-person narrator and  protagonist of the novel. Everything in this allegory is filtered through his point of view. He wants to live in peace in his outpost, serving his Empire without questioning the purpose or effects of its colonial project. He's forced to confront its violent crimes when it attempts to push into nomad territory around his outpost. The magistrate goes on a journey of self-discovery in the novel, confronting not only the hypocrisies of his Empire.

Colonel Joll

    Colonel Joll is antagonist of the novel. His black sunglasses played negative vibes, it played the role of classical vilain.  He was an official in the mysterious third bureau and an arm of civil guard. He was created to protect the empire. Which is threatened by barbarians. 

Barbarian girl
     She is a important character of the novel. She is important to read feminism in the novel. Her body is objectified in the novel. She is a symbol of magistrate sympathy. Her lags were broken at the ankle . She gave never set. Her eyes were burned with molten rods. She is a joll's torture victims.

Minor characters:

Officer Mandel
The boy

Comparison with other text:

  Robinson Crusoe
The Tempest

Theme  :

We and others
Fear of the other

Reference :

Thinking activity on The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga and slumdog millionarie

Thinking activity on The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga

This blog is part of my academic  thinking activity

1)   How far do you agree with the India represented the novel The White Tiger ?

         The white tiger novel written by Arvind Adiga. Yes I agree with the  India represent in the novel white tiger. I don’t think whole India like this but some places are represented that condition. Adiga represent  the India's dark side. He only show the dark side of India. In this novel he shows working class people and their life style or how they suffered. Adiga taking about entrepreneur driver. We find the corrupt nature in the Balram's  character. Balaram is a central character of the novel. We can not say India like this but it's true at some darker place.

           We see how education required for society . And we find in this novel education system in a very bad manners. Primary is starting to grasp knowledge and students capture their teachers behaviour. So  in this novel Adiga represent darkness of India's education system and Teachers. How students copied their teachers habits  split. Teacher is drinker and he is nothing to do in his class. Very dusty class no any other facilities are there. All see the poverty of India. The white tiger novel criticized the poverty and darker side of education and poor class people condition. How poverty forced to do corruption and wrong things for a good life. How rich people easy blame on them they do wrong things from torchers. The other thing is superstition and blind faith on religion God or river. This novel also do satire on that. The novel criticized hanuman as a slave of ram. He was blind follower. We consider Ganga river a holy river but he used in a different contex.

2) Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?

    Yes I believe that Balram's story is the archetype of  all stories of rags to riches.  It is realistic novel. The character like Balaram can be found in real world who do many wrong things yet not caught by police. The novel ends with  poetic justice by punishing Balram. In real world poetic justice not happened everytime. The novel shows the reality of life.

 3) smilarities between The White Tiger and Slumdog millionaire

1. Narrative structure -  wanted poster # KBC show

       The novel and movie Narrative structure is similar. Both used same flashback techniques. In the movie Jamal remember his past incidents in KBC reality show. And give the and from his observation. He is very intelligent person all things are captured his mind and connecting dots. And novel protagonist wrote a letter  Balram looked his wanted poster.
     In the both work writer and filmmaker do satire on police department. Both story are very satirical and goes a parallel. There are also mention both are chaiwala . Nowadays it’s also used in political satire chaiwala do anything right or wrong . So novel and movie's narrative structure is almost same.

2.  Indianness

   India is a centre of the novel and film. There are so many things are connected with India. Like  police system, education, train, poverty, corruptions, religion.

Train :

    Train is very symbolically used in novel and movie. Train is so criticized for indianness. Without train Indians Bollywood movie is not complicated. And we can also says without train Indians image are not complete.   Railway station is full of public and crowd. Railway station is a symbol of poverty in India.

Religion :

   Religion also played vital role in film or novel. India’s larger audience believe in God. It is a dark side India. It’s also symbol of less education in Indians. In the novel described Ganga as Black mud river. Or the other example is Hamunam is faithful servant of Ram. Or Buddhism.
    In the film Hindu and Muslim have a problem. Ram or darshando ghanashyam song  to teach by slums master. Also of the people faith in religion other is little boy become a shankara. We show that how people do a corruption through the religion. Religion is a best way to cheat people. Religion is tool is to do wrong things.

Education system:

   Jamal and Balram is uneducated character. One good thing is in both character. Both have a good observation skill is very powerful . They are learn from observing the thing and knowing or understood the people. Bad side of education in novel blaram 's primary education system and teacher are very bad manners. Filmmaker portrayed worst side of education system in India.

Poverty :
      Novel and movie describe the   darkness of India. In the film dharavi area is a slum society. It is a largest slum area of Asia which located in India. How they suffered for basic needs to live life. This situation forced to do crime and wrong things. Money give power and rules on poor people.  In film two brothers are there one following good things and other do a wrong Because of basic need. Novel and film shows very deep indianness. Anyone who wins has four kind of possibilities
He cheated
He is lucky
He is genius
It is a written

Corruption :

     Corruption found in both novel and film. Balram's corrupt nature of entrepreneure driver . How he earn extra money from his owner. Or sell the petrol with extra cash. We also sell the whiskey bottle or freelance taxi permission.
     In the film Jamal's brother shows with corrupt nature . He get more cash from tourist or cheat with them. His team sell the car part or KBC anchor also do cheating and behave very bad manners with Jamal. Anchor do acting like  he is very happy for Jamal but back side of stage not behave in a good way.

3. List of the questions asked in the film 'Slumdog Millionaire'

1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanzeer"

   a) Shah Rukh Khan
   b) Salman Khan
   c) Amitabh Bachhan
   d) Ranbir Kapoor
Ans: C

2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?

    a) The Truth alone triumphs
    b) Lies alone triumphs
    c) Fashion alone triumphs
    d) Money alone triumphs
Ans: A

3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?

    a) A bow and arrow
    b) A sword
    c) A child
    d) A flower
Ans: A

4. The song " Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet?

    a) Surdas
    b) Tulsidas
    c) Mira bai
    d) Kabir
Ans: A

5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is portrait of which American Statesman?

    a) George Washington
    b) Franklin Roosevelt
    c) Benjamin Franklin
    d) Abraham Lincoln
Ans: C

6. Who invented the revolver?

    a) Samuel Colt
    b) Bruce Browning
    c) Dan Wesson
    d) James Revolver
Ans: A

7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?

    a) Oxford
    b) Leeds
    c) Cambridge
    d) London

Ans: D

8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?

    a) Sachin Tendulkar
    b) Ricky Ponting
    c) Michael Slater
    d) Jack Hobbs
Ans: D

9. In Alexander Dumas' book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer?

    a) Aramis
    b) Cardinal Richetieu
    c) D' Artagnan
    d) Planchet
Ans: A

10. While the police inspector was questioning Jamal's knowledge, he asked Jamal whose picture was on the Indian 1000-rupee note, and then showed him when Jamal claimed not to know. Whose picture was it?

a) Mohandas Gandhi
b) Muhammad Jinnah
c) Jawaharlal Nehru
d) Gopal Gokhale
Ans : A

4. On what grounds can you deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools / theories.

    The slumdog millionaire we see as a post colonial perspective. This film directed by Danny Boyle. In the film Indin people shows a very poor condition and white  people are good. No doubt Danny Boyle portrayed a harsh reality of India. But India's minus point white people are glad to see it. He portrayed white people are superior then us. That is clearly reflected in one seen that foreigners are come to visit Taj Mahal. And that time Salim take more money from them and some Thief stolen their car parts and sold it . That that foreigners balm on Jamal he is responsible for that . And Jamal beaten by some people at that time visitor shows mercy upon Jamal and give a money.  So director portrayed white people are too kindness and good fellow. But that is not true. He shows India as a poor, dirty, uneducated, uncivilised, corrupt and they are good gentle man and good fellow. The other thing is that Jamal seat at railway station at that time camera focused on Pillar and on the pillar made by white people that board is focused so he always try to show they are superior.     

5) Compare with Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel.

4) "Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of The White Tiger? How?

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Thinking activity on mass media communication

Thinking activity on mass media communication

What is mass media ?

        intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.

When did the media start?

     "The media" began to be used in the 1920s. The notion of "mass media" was generally restricted to print media up until the post-Second World War, when radio, television and video were introduced.

  Importance of mass media communication

      Media is important because the main purpose of media is to circulate the knowledge and finding information . Nowadays social media is a best medium of the communication for the large audience . 
      There are so many platform for that like electronic media , print media and so many app includes in mass media communication.

   The internet , television and newspapers are the main sources for knowing and find out what is going around us. That platform gives reports the weather , current issues and trend of the social and new things.

   Communication is a very important for us. Communication play very important role in our daily lives. It’s important in many fields like business  and education. We also analysis the which direction society goes on through social sites like Facebook, WhatsApp , Instagram and YouTube.And the academic purposes  Blog, SlideShare, Gmail.

Friday, 3 January 2020

Thinking activity on journalism

Thinking activity on journalism

Feature writing miss universe 2019

       The 1st miss universe pageant was held on 28 June 1952. The 1st winner of the pageant was 17 year old Armi kuusela of Finland.

         MISS UNIVERSE 2019 the 68th edition miss universe pageant was held on at Tyler Perry studios in Atlanta, Georgia the United States.

        Zozibini Tunzi was born on 18 September 1993. She is a SOUTH AFRICAN model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned miss Universe 2019. She is the 3rd woman from South Africa to win this title. This recent victory of South Africa in 2017. The Frist black women since Leila Lopes was crowned miss universe.

Miss universe 2011 win  1st black women that title she  belongs to South Africa

2017 second south African women win miss universe title.

Zozibini Tunzi –  South Africa.    Winner
Madison Anderson  - Puerto Rico      Runner up
Sofia Aragon  - Mexico.               3rd place

      Zozibini Tunzi says ' may every tittle girl see their faces reflected in mine.'

"I grew up in a world where a woman who looks like me, with my kind of skin and my kind of hair, was never considered to be beautiful.”

    "I think that it is time that that stops today." That the message from newly-crowned Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi, who is from South Africa.
More than 90 women from across the world took part in the pageant which was held in Atlanta in the US.


તત્વમસિ નર્મદે હર   ધુવ ભટૃ  ની સમુદ્રાન્તીકે પછી આ બીજી નવલકથા વાચુ છુ.આ નવલકથાનું પોસ્ટર જ ઘણું આ બુક વીશે કહી જાય છે.  આખી નોવેલ ...