Monday, 27 August 2018

Thinking activity of metaphysical poetry

                     METAPHYSICAL POETRY

     The metaphysical word comes from a Greek  word of metaphysics. The mataphymetap poetry occupies a unique place in the history of English poetry. metaphysical word fist time used by DOCTOR SAMUEL JOHNSON .

JOHN DONNE was the pioneer of metaphysical poetry.he established this new trend of writing poetry.

 Samual had used this word metaphysical in a NEGATIVE SENSE but after time was passed it becomes admirable for Samuel.
The major POET'S :-                             

1.john Donne       
2. George Herbert
3. Andrew marvell
4. henry  Vaughan 
5. Richard crashow
         6. Saint robert southwell
     7. Thomas trademarks
Thay all are made a one group of
Writing something differently . It is a school of Donn. They  become followers . They follow a footsteps of donn. John donn was the leader of that school.
Poet tries to go beyond a physical. They tries to consious attempt to must be different from poets of prisiding era.they try with that intention & aem and then starting a writing. They are used a far fetched idea and images. Full of logic & reasoning. Heterogenous ideas are  come together by force.
 They draw  images from various sources like  science, astronomy, geography. Thaey example of engineering, agriculture, architecture, geometry etc. They writing theme like love is  experimented like a science.
 Every age was as a proved to be a REACTIONARY AGE Elizabethan age was there England called the " nest of Bird song". Elizabeth time  she give a moral sapport . She give a freedom of writing. 

That time one group of poets 
becomes active. Thaey thoughts our poetry remain not noticed. They thought the pattern of  writing are must be charged. passing of the time tradision are change. They thought our own new style of writing. then  called a "METAPHYSICAL POETS".
They try to use far fetched images & consist  example like mostly write use love symbols like to flowers but they thought why should use love symbols use like flower .?. They use image like a flea. That image was used in ARCHITECTURE image put in poem . There are other example are compass. Shakespeare use image like butterfly, spring etc .but they use image like ANDREW MARLOW:- 

' my love is like a two parallel lines ,
Up to  end  never meet together'.

The next example are ' my love is like compass ' beloved is the center & i move round and round. That point very well explained by dr. Mandali ya sir in our class. poetry become SCHOLARLY & OBSCURE. They brought far fetched images . The best ex. Of religion "THE PULLEY" by George Herbert. He used symbol for God &man relation .that image is a MECHANICAL word . The pulley offers a connection between two parts connect between CREATE & CREATION.
There are many metaphysical poetry in our syllabus by john Donn.                                      1 The flea                             
                 2. The dream(elegy)                          
                 3. Death be not proud.                         4. Sweetest love.                    
5. Ecstasy                            
6. Sun rising.                       
Thare 3 main theme in metaphysical poetry 1) love, 2) death and 3) religion. So that is metaphysical poetry . 
Thank you

Friday, 24 August 2018

thinking activity Doctor Faustus

Respect sir,
Doctor Faustus  was written by Christopher marlow . This play directed by MATTHEW DUNSTER. Christopher marlowe was an english playwright.he was born in 26 feb 1564 . Doctor Faustus was a morality play. Is an ELIZABETHN tragedy by Marlowe based on German stories. Two different version of the play were published in THE JACOBEAN ERA. That is a tragic history of life and death of  doctor Faustus.

Here i am discuss some questions answered abot 3 images .

1) The play directed by Matthew dunster  for Globe theater end  with this scene ..what  does it signify ?

1. I think that  that picture about Lucifer. CThat pictypi represent a Lucifer successful in his goal his idea. He take a Faustus's soul as a devil. Lucifer  celebrate his victory with a wide wings show his power. Devil is a more powerful than  good angel and God. Faustus repenting 24 years come to end now. And his soul as a devil. God  was not able to save doctor Faustus. God have a no power. That picture says how to rules over the Faustus mind as a devil.
2) Is God present in the play? It yes where  and  how if no why ?
2. Yes God is present in this play . The old man and Good angel  present as a  God in this play. God was not helpful in this play. God have no power to save Doctor Faustus. In the end of this play doctor Faustus pray to God please give me some more time, some more days,one month, on week and one  year but god was not able to do this. So God was exist in this play . METHEW DUNSTER use many symbol like a "cross" . We can thik about God in two perspective mentally and physically. Here in this play God present in a mental sense. METHEW DUNSTER represent a conflict between good thought or evil thoughts in Faustus mind. He was constantly    conflicts                in his thoughts. Doctor Faustus fight with his inner voice.
3) what reading and interpretation can be give to this image with reference to central theme of the Doctor Faustus?

3. This image about a Greek mythological character. Tahu story is about a father and his son . Father Daedalus and his son Icarus. They were in prison. Father made waxen wings for his son. They were fly in the sky. He warn his son don't fly near the sun . Otherwise wings are melt. Icarus not follow his father's advies .then melting wex and he falldown on earth and died. Icarus responsible for his downfall.
. Same as a Doctor Faustus. Doctor Faustus is also responsible his downfall because he believes in necromancy. Then his soul goes in hell. Icarus and Faustus have overconfidence. We can also compare our life with this two character. If we can  not remember our limitations then our life are also create a tragic fall like Icarus and Faustus.
4) what does the painting significant?
4. This is a modern art. It is a Greek mythological image. Thare two characters of lcarus & Daedalus. Icarus falldown in the sea.we can see a Icarus legs in the sea. But no one notice & help him. Everyone ignore him. This picture say that all are busy his own work . No one care to anyone. That image also represent our life . It's signifies that if  the person whether alive or die no one cares  about that.


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